Claim Process


1. Here is info how your clam will process.

2. We will take brief details such as: - name, contact details, accident date, accident location, how the accident happened, the third party details, injury sustained, etc.

3. One of our solicitors will call you back the in few days to discuss your case in more detail and whether we can act on a "No Fee No Fee" basis.

4. Once the solicitors believe that you can make a claim, they will than send you claim forms, which you have to fill it in and send it back.

5. If you need help to fill the forms, give us a call and we will arrange to come and see you. We have representatives in all parts of the country.

6. The solicitors and we will be in contact with you at all times to discuss the progress of you claim.

7. The solicitor will obtain medical records, police reports, investigate all allegations and research anything to do with your case.

8. When liability is accepted a medico examination from an independent doctor will be undertaken. We will arrange this for you.

9. You will receive your compensation cheque.
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